Karakorum Vlog Series
Join our team in this five-part Vlog series for a brief (and fun) introduction to our Karakorum Project 2021.
Hosted by Alex Mohns and featuring multiple guest appearances as well as on location footage from the Pakistani Himalayas, each 5 min video will highlight one aspect of our research. Learn more about Buddhist iconography and stupas (old and new), the many different animal species of the Karakorum, and the games that ancient travellers played on their journeys.
We hope you will enjoy the videos and that these brief glimpses will raise your interest in our ongoing work!
For the next five weeks, we will add a new entry on this page every weekend.
VLOG 1: Introduction
In this first entry of the series, Alex Mohns and Marike van Aerde introduce the project and the series, and you get a brief glimpse into our lab work as well. (Filmed in Leiden)
VLOG 2: Fieldwork
In the second entry of the series, Abdul Ghani Khan and Zafar Iqbal talk about their fieldwork in the Pakistani Himalayas in spring 2021, and share footage of the campaign. (Filmed on location in Gilgit-Baltistan)
VLOG 3: Zoomorphic Rock Art
In the third entry of the series, Zooarchaeologist Mike Kneppers explains about the contexts and relevance of animal carvings (zoomorphic rock art) in the Karakorum, including new discoveries about distribution patterns.(Filmed in Leiden)
VLOG 4: Buddhist Rock Art
In this fourth and extra-long (12 min) entry of the series, Alex Mohns, Marike van Aerde and Mike Kneppers show you some details about ancient Buddhist iconography, stupa carvings and architecture. Stay tuned till the end for a road trip to an actual stupa, in the north of the Netherlands!
Scripted and hosted by: Alex Mohns
Filming: Max Condon and Benjamin de Groot
All Pakistan footage: Abdul Ghani Khan
Guest appearances: Marike van Aerde, Mike Kneppers, Zafar Iqbal, Lenneke de Lange
With many thanks to the community of Chilas, the Faculty of Archaeology Leiden University, and Boeddhistisch Centrum Friesland.
Our research is generously supported by the Prince Claus Heritage Emergency Fund and the Aliph Alliance.